48 – So, with a foot of snow on the ground…

And muddy roads we made the final move.

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One final project to make life with 2 cats in a trailer more pleasant was a venting system for the catboxes. I had planned on making this a much nicer install but was just out of time. We used 4" SDR 35 pipe left over from the septic install to pull the dust and smell from right above the catboxes and routed through trailer to the opposite side of where we grill and eat outdoors. A simple piece of plywood separates the cat area from batteries and anything solar related.

I wanted a 12 volt exhaust fan so I could wire direct to the batteries without needing to run the inverter all the time. A standard boat bilge blower seemed to be the right fit for the ducting idea and at a total draw of 2.5 amps would be easy enough on the battery power if I ran it 24/7. Right out of the box we gave it some power and I was instantly reminded how noisy these blowers are and how much vibration they make. We changed up the design a bit to compensate. We isolated the blower with flex hose and screwed it to a chunk of railroad tie, not connected to the trailer in any way. Then ordered a 12 volt speed control from ebay. This allows us to adjust the fan speed until we found the right combination of air movement, noise and power consumption. We've got it down to @1 amp and there is zero cat box smell in the trailer. An added bonus is the system draws heated air from inside to the catbox area and keeps them a bit more comfortable while doing business.

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