Once the pump was in the hole we just had to button up the plumbing and do some temporary wiring for a pigtail to plug into the generator.
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After firing the generator, we saw water from our own well for the very first time. Exciting? Oh yeah.
After pumping to the tanks for a few hours this is the volume and pressure we saw at the hydrants.
As the tanks were filling and we verified there were no leaks we jumped right on back filling the trench in front of the tanks. I didn’t want 80,000lbs of water caving it in.
In that last picture, you can see a wire that connects to a float in the tank. It is over a 1/4-mile-long and was buried with the water lines. It goes to the main pump controller and tells it when to turn on and off. It has worked flawlessly for the last couple years, tanks are always full without me having to think about it.
Next up was back filling the lines after checking for leaks. A friend and neighbor loaned me his loader with a 3-yard bucket so I could run sand from the wash below to shade the lines in with great material. I shoveled it in by hand, 1800′ in 3 days. Talk about shoulder pump!
I was working as fast as I could at this point because we were right at the beginning of monsoon season. One good rain was going to make a mess of my open trenches.